How can I refund prepaid tickets?

Prepaid tickets can be refunded from within Doorkeeper by the event organizer.

Refunds are possible within 60 days of the ticket purchase.

Refund via Stripe

Full Refund

  1. Access the event's dashboard in Doorkeeper
  2. In the "Attendee Management", click the attendee you want to refund
  3. Click "Refund" and then click "Cancel registration" to also cancel the participation.

Partial Refund

When doing a partial refund to a participant, the organizer can decide the amount of money to refund. By doing this, Doorkeeper's transaction fee will not be refunded.
  1. Access the event's dashboard in Doorkeeper
  2. In the "Attendee Management", click the attendee you want to refund
  3. Click the transaction id. When you see the "Payments" in Stripe, click "Refund Payment"
  4. Choose "Partial Refund" then type in the refund amount before clicking "Refund" button
  5. Go back to event's dashboard in Doorkeeper to click "Cancel registration" to also cancel the participation